Conveyancing Range
Title | Description | EFIS |
29(SUPP) | (Supplementary) Enquiries before Contract for Sale | 35/2017 |
AGREE9 | Agreement for Partnership | 102/2016 |
BASPI | Buyer and Seller's Property Information | 25/2024 |
BN1 | Particulars of Ownership of Partnership | 65/2017 |
CON1 | Partnership Deed | 102/2016 |
CON14E | Notice to Complete under Condition 6 of the Standard Conditions of Sale - [NTC1R] [NTC2R] | 37/2003 |
CON15 | Conveyance of Freehold | 48/2004 |
CON19 | Deed of Gift of Real Estate | 48/2004 |
CON23 | Residential Lease - [LRS1A] | 51/2008 |
CON24 | Business Lease - [BLW] [BLP] [BLU] [LRS1A] | 51/2008 |
CON25 | 'Skeleton' Precedent for a [Residential] OR [Business] Lease - [LRS1A] | 10/2008 |
CON26 | Tenancy Agreement by reference to The National Letting Provisions (Residential) | 51/2008 |
CON26A | Tenancy Agreement by reference to The National Letting Provisions (Commercial) | 51/2008 |
CON27 | Requisitions on Title to the Freehold Property known as | na |
CON28 | Requisitions on Title to the Leasehold Property | 51/2012 |
CON28A | Requisitions of title (Freeholds or Leaseholds) Short form - [RT28VF] [RT28VL] | 10/2004 |
CON28B | Requisitions on Title - [RT28T] [RT28V] | 19/2019 |
CON28C | Requisitions on Title - Long version [RT28T] | 99/2013 |
CON29(L) | Enquiries before Contract for Sale (Long Form) - [AE40] [GE29R] [GE30C] | 19/2019 |
CON29(S) | Enquiries before contract - Short | 19/2019 |
CON291 | General Tenancy Enquiries (Residential and Business Tenancies) - [SUP29G] | 102/2016 |
CON292 | Agricultural Tenancy Enquiries | 35/2017 |
CON293 | Enquiries before Contract for Sale of a Company | 102/2016 |
CON294 | Enquiries before Contract for Acquisition of an Unincorporated Business | 35/2017 |
CON29Q | Contents Questionnaire (to be completed by client) | 82/2016 |
CON3 | Assignment of Lease | 27/2007 |
CON30 | Legal Charge | 82/2016 |
CON30A | Legal Charge (Repayment by Periodical Instalments) | 51/2005 |
CON30B | Legal Charge (subject to a Prior Charge) | 51/2005 |
CON30C | Legal Charge (subject to prior charge) (Repayment by Periodical Instalments) | 51/2005 |
CON31 | Memorandum of Charge | 102/2016 |
CON34 | Notice of Second Mortgage | 102/2016 |
CON40 | Stock Transfer Form - [STOCK] | 51/2012 |
CON40G | Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK H] | 51/2012 |
CON40H | Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK G] | 51/2012 |
CON41A | Request by Executors or Administrator to be registered as a member of a company | 65/2017 |
CON44 | Exchange of Contracts by Telephone Formula A or B Attendance Note | 42/2004 |
CON46 | Completion Statement | 65/2017 |
CON46A | Notice of Sale of Property and Request for Apportionment of Rates | 65/2017 |
CON4A | Notice of Assignment/Transfer/Mortgage/Sublease/Vacating Receipt/- [LT21] [LT21A] [LT22] [LT23] | 51/2012 |
CON58 | Conveyancing checklist: Steps to be taken for the vendor | 1/2005 |
CON59 | Conveyancing Check-list: Steps to be taken for the purchaser | 1/2005 |
CON5A | Gift of Policy of Assurance | 102/2016 |
CONSTP61 | Stamping of documents | na |
CR19 | Application for the amendment of a register in relation to a right of common | 77/2010 |
EPITOME | Epitome of title - [EPT] | na |
FME1 | Freehold Management Enquiries | 2/2023 |
K1 | Application for Registration of a Land Charge | 78/2024 |
K10 | Continuation of an Application | 102/2016 |
K11 | Application to cancel an entry in the land charges register (other than class F) | 40/2024 |
K11(ADJ) | Application to cancel a pending action entry in the Land Charges Register. | 78/2024 |
K12 | Application for cancellation of an entry in the register under special directions of the registrar | 78/2024 |
K13 | Application for cancellation of a Land Charge of Class F | 78/2024 |
K15 | Application for an official search | 78/2024 |
K16 | Application for an Official Search (Bankruptcy only) | 78/2024 |
K19 | Application for an office copy of an entry in the register | 78/2024 |
K2 | Application for registration of a Land Charge of Class F | 78/2024 |
K20 | Application For A Certificate Of The Cancellation Of An Entry In The Register | 78/2024 |
K3 | Application for registration of a pending action | 78/2024 |
K4 | Application for registration of a writ or order | 78/2024 |
K6 | Application for registration of a priority notice | 78/2024 |
K7 | Application for the renewal of a registration | 78/2024 |
K8 | Application for the renewal of a registration of a Land Charge of Class F | 78/2024 |
K9 | Application for the rectification of an entry in the register | 78/2024 |
LLC1 | Requisition for search and official certificate of search | 61/2011 |
LOC020 | Change of Name Deed | 6/2024 |
LOC021 | Deed Poll - Statutory Declaration for an Adult | 6/2024 |
LOC022 | Minor's Change of Name Deed | 24/2016 |
LOC023 | Deed Poll - Suggested form of Affidavit of best interest | 51/2012 |
LOC024 | Deed Poll - Statutory Declaration for a Deed Poll for a Minor | 6/2024 |
LOC025 | Deed Poll - Notice for the London Gazette on change for an Adult | 51/2012 |
LOC026 | Deed Poll - Notice for the London Gazette on change of name for a minor | 51/2012 |
LRACD | Application for approval of a standard form of charge deed and allocation of official HM Land Registry reference | 53/2023 |
LRADD | Application for approval of a deed of variation/priority/postponement of a charge | 58/2022 |
LRADV1 | Application for registration of a person in adverse possession under Schedule 6 to the Land Registration Act 2002 | 53/2023 |
LRADV2 | Application to be registered as a person to be notified of an application for adverse possession | 53/2023 |
LRAMS1 | Application for Application Management Service | 79/2019 |
LRAN1 | Application to enter an agreed notice | 58/2019 |
LRAP1 | Application to change the register | 70/2024 |
LRAS1 | Assent of whole of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) | 31/2024 |
LRAS2 | Assent of charge by personal representative(s) | 31/2024 |
LRAS3 | Assent of part of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) | 31/2024 |
LRCC | Entry of a note of consolidation of charges | 63/2018 |
LRCCD | Application to cancel a caution against dealings | 63/2018 |
LRCCT | Application to cancel a caution against first registration | 63/2018 |
LRCH1 | Legal charge of a registered estate | 53/2023 |
LRCH2 | Application to enter an obligation to make further advances | 63/2018 |
LRCH3 | Application to note agreed maximum amount of security | 63/2018 |
LRCIT | Application in connection with investigation or enforcement proceedings (court, insolvency, tax) | 9/2025 |
LRCN1 | Application to cancel a notice (other than a unilateral notice) | 58/2022 |
LRCNG | Change of gender (Transgender and Non-Binary) | 64/2024 |
LRCOG1 | Updating registered owners' contact address | 14/2025 |
LRCS | Continuation sheet for use with application and disposition forms | 35/2019 |
LRCT1 | Caution against first registration | 53/2023 |
LRDB | Application to determine the exact line of a boundary | 63/2018 |
LRDI | Disclosable overriding interests | 63/2018 |
LRDJP | Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor | 14/2025 |
LRDL | List of documents | 94/2018 |
LRDS1 | Cancellation of entries relating to a registered charge | 77/2019 |
LRDS2 | Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge | 53/2023 |
LRDS2E | Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge | 63/2018 |
LRDS3 | Release of part of the land from a registered charge | 77/2022 |
LREX1 | Application for the registrar to designate a document as an exempt information document | 53/2023 |
LREX1A | Reasons for exemption in support of an application to designate a document as an exempt information document | 63/2018 |
LREX2 | Application for official copy of an exempt information document | 63/2018 |
LREX3 | Application to remove the designation of a document as an exempt information document | 63/2018 |
LRFR1 | Application for first registration | 19/2025 |
LRHC1 | Application for copies of historical edition(s) of the register/title plan held in electronic form | 63/2018 |
LRHR1 | Application for registration of a notice of home rights | 53/2023 |
LRHR2 | Application for renewal of registration in respect of home rights | 53/2023 |
LRHR3 | Application by mortgagee for official search in respect of home rights | 63/2018 |
LRHR4 | Cancellation of a home rights notice | 65/2023 |
LRID1 | Certificate of identity for a private individual | 78/2024 |
LRID2 | Certificate of identity for a body corporate | 78/2024 |
LRID3 | Certificate of identity for a private individual | 78/2024 |
LRID5 | Certificate to be given by a conveyancer where a person's identity has been verified by way of an online video call | 4/2024 |
LRJO | Trust Information | 63/2018 |
LROC1 | Application for official copies of register/plan or certificate in Form CI | 53/2023 |
LROC2 | Application for official copies of documents only | 53/2023 |
LROS1 | Application by purchaser for official search with priority of the whole of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application | 14/2022 |
LROS2 | Application by purchaser for official search with priority of part of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application | 14/2022 |
LROS3 | Application for official search without priority of the land in a registered title | 63/2018 |
LRPIC | Application for a personal inspection under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002 | 63/2018 |
LRPN1 | Application for a search in the index of proprietors' names | 70/2024 |
LRPN1ID | IOPN Search - Evidence of Identity | 41/2024 |
LRPRD1 | Request for the production of documents | 63/2018 |
LRPSS1 | Application for Pre-submission Enquiry Service | 79/2019 |
LRRQ | Request for a restriction by owner(s) not living at the property | 14/2025 |
LRRQ(Co) | Request for a restriction by a company | 14/2025 |
LRRX1 | Application to enter a restriction | 53/2023 |
LRRX2 | Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified | 63/2018 |
LRRX3 | Application to cancel a restriction | 63/2018 |
LRRX4 | Application to withdraw a restriction | 53/2023 |
LRRXC | Restriction - consent or certificate | 61/2024 |
LRSC | Application for noting the overriding priority of a statutory charge | 63/2018 |
LRSEV | Application to enter Form A restriction on severance of joint tenancy by agreement or notice | 53/2023 |
LRSIF | Application for an official search of the index of relating franchises and manors | 63/2018 |
LRSIM | Application for an official search of the index map | 63/2018 |
LRST1 | Statement of truth in support of an application for registration based upon adverse possession | 63/2018 |
LRST2 | Statement of truth in support of an application based upon adverse possession of a rentcharge | 63/2018 |
LRST3 | Statement of truth in support of an application for registration of land based upon lost or destroyed title deeds | 63/2018 |
LRST4 | Statement of truth in support of an application for registration and/or noting of a prescriptive easements | 63/2018 |
LRST5 | Statement of truth in support of an application to cancel a Form A restriction | 40/2024 |
LRTP1 | Transfer of part of registered title(s) | 53/2023 |
LRTP2 | Transfer of part of registered title(s) under power of sale | 53/2023 |
LRTR1 | Transfer of whole of registered title(s) | 53/2023 |
LRTR2 | Transfer of whole of registered title(s) under power of sale | 53/2023 |
LRTR4 | Transfer of a charge or portfolio of charges | 53/2023 |
LRTR5 | Transfer of portfolio of titles (whole or part) | 53/2023 |
LRUN1 | Application to enter a unilateral notice | 53/2023 |
LRUN2 | Application to remove a unilateral notice | 78/2024 |
LRUN3 | Application to be registered as beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice | 53/2023 |
LRUN4 | Application for the cancellation of a unilateral notice by a person who is (or is entitled to be) the registered proprietor | 53/2023 |
LRUT1 | Application for upgrading of title | 6/2020 |
LRWCT | Application to withdraw a caution | 53/2023 |
LTT | Land Transaction Tax: Tax Return | 3/2020 |
PW1 | Desire to Build on Line of Junction (s.1) | 65/2017 |
PW2 | Party Structure Notice (s.3) | 65/2017 |
PW3 | Counter Notice to Party Structure (s.4) | 65/2017 |
PW4 | Notice of Adjacent Excavation (s.6(5)) | 65/2017 |
PW5 | Consent To Adjacent Excavation | 65/2017 |
PW6 | Request for Surveyor to Act | 65/2017 |
SAC1V | Agreement for Sale - Commercial Registered Freehold (Whole) - Vacant Possession - 3rd Edition | na |
SDLT | Land Transaction Return | 44/2021 |
SDLT_Sch1 | Schedule for tenancies of the non-residential or mixed use interests notified on related SDLT1 | 44/2021 |
SDLT46 | Notice of appeal against a penalty Stamp Duty Land Tax | 44/2021 |
Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.