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EFIS 51, August 2012 : Conveyancing

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The Ministry of Justice has replaced the existing Change of Name forms CON18A - CON18E, with the new forms numbered LOCO21 - LOCO26.

LOCO20 replaces CON18A.
LOCO21 replaces CON18C.
LOCO22 replaces CON18B.

LOC023 and LOC024 are new forms where LOCO23 should accompany LOCO22 and LOCO24 is a statutory declaration which should be sworn when completing LOCO22.

LOCO25 replaces CON18D.
LOCO26 replaces CON18E.

Practitioners who enrol their client's change of name at the Central Office of the Senior Courts of England and Wales
should use these new forms and accompanying documents immediately.

Following EFIS No.35 in May when we advised you of the Land Registry's amendments to panel 4 of the LRDJP form, the Land Registry has made a minor correction to their original wording.

Finally forms CON27, CON28, CON40, CON40G, CON40H, CON4A, CONSTP61, LRRX1, LRTP1, LRTR1, LRTR1_Flexi , LRAP1_Flexi , LRTP1_Flexi and LRRX1_Flexi have all received minor amendments.

All forms can be used immediately.

Forms affected

CON18A Change of Name Deed Withdrawn
CON18B Change of Name Deed (Child) Withdrawn
CON18C Declaration as to Identity on executing a Change of Name Deed Withdrawn
CON18D Change of name Withdrawn
CON18E Change of name of child Withdrawn
LRTR1_Flexi Transfer of whole of registered title(s) New/Amended
LRAP1_Flexi Application to change the register New/Amended
LRTP1_Flexi Transfer of part of registered title(s) New/Amended
LRRX1_Flexi Application to enter a restriction New/Amended
CON4A Notice of Assignment/Transfer/Mortgage/Sublease/Vacating Receipt/- [LT21] [LT21A] [LT22] [LT23] New/Amended
LRRX1 Application to enter a restriction New/Amended
LRDJP Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor New/Amended
CON27 Requisitions on Title to the Freehold Property known as New/Amended
CON28 Requisitions on Title to the Leasehold Property New/Amended
CON40H Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK G] New/Amended
LOC020 Deed Poll - Change of name deed intended for enrolling in the Central Office of the Senior Courts of England and Wales New/Amended
LOC021 Deed Poll - Statutory Declaration for an Adult New/Amended
LOC022 Deed Poll - Minor's change of name deed intended for enrolling in the Central Office of the Senior Courts of England and Wales New/Amended
LOC023 Deed Poll - Suggested form of Affidavit of best interest New/Amended
LOC024 Deed Poll - Statutory Declaration for a Deed Poll for a Minor New/Amended
LOC025 Deed Poll - Notice for the London Gazette on change for an Adult New/Amended
LOC026 Deed Poll - Notice for the London Gazette on change of name for a minor New/Amended
LRTR1 Transfer of whole of registered title(s) New/Amended
LRTP1 Transfer of part of registered title(s) New/Amended
CON40 Stock Transfer Form - [STOCK] New/Amended
CON40G Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK H] New/Amended
CONSTP61 Stamping of documents New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.