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Company Range

Title Description EFIS
AA01 Change of accounting reference date (Section 392 Companies Act 2006) 35/2022
AA02 Dormant company accounts (DCA) - (Section 441 of the Companies Act 2006) 33/2012
AA03 Notice of resolution removing auditors from office (Section 512 of the Companies Act 2006) 25/2011
AA06 Statement of guarantee by a parent undertaking of a subsidiary company (Section 394A, 448A & 479A of the Companies Act 2006) 35/2022
AD01 Change of registered office address (Section 87 of the Companies Act 2006) 12/2024
AD02 Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL) (Sections 114, 162, 228, 237, 275, 358, 702, 720, 743, 805, 809, 877, 859Q & 892 of the Companies Act 2006) 60/2013
AD03 Change of location of the company records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL) (Sections 114, 162, 228, 237, 275, 358, 702, 720, 743, 805, 809, 877, 859Q & 892 of the Companies Act 2006) 72/2016
AD04 Change of location of the company records to the registered office - (Sections 114, 162, 228, 237, 275, 358, 702, 720, 743, 805, 809, 877, 859Q & 892 of the Companies Act 2006) 72/2016
AD05 Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales company or a Welsh company - (Section 88 of the Companies Act 2006) 18/2015
AD06 Notice of opening of overseas branch register - (Section 130 of the Companies Act 2006) 25/2011
AD07 Notice of discontinuance of overseas branch register - (Section 135 of the Companies Act 2006) 25/2011
AP01 Appointment of Director - (Section 167 of the Companies Act 2006) 35/2022
AP02 Appointment of corporate director - (Section 167 of the Companies Act 2006) 1/2021
AP03 Appointment of secretary - (Section 276 of the Companies Act 2006) 75/2016
AP04 Appointment of corporate secretary - (Section 276 of the Companies Act 2006) 1/2021
AR01 Annual Return 2015 - (Section 854 of the Companies Act 2006) 75/2016
AR01(CONT) Annual Return 2015 - continuation page - (Section 854 of the Companies Act 2006) 72/2016
CC01 Notice of restriction on the company's articles - (Section 23 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CC02 Notice of removal of restriction on the company's articles - (Section 23 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CC03 Statement of compliance where amendment of articles restricted - (Section 24 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CC04 Statement of company's objects - (Section 31 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CC05 Change of constitution by enactment - (Section 34 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CC06 Change of constitution by order of court or other authority - (Section 35 of the Companies Act 2006) 27/2021
CH01 Change of director's details - (Section 167 of the Companies Act 2006) 20/2018
CH02 Change of corporate director's details - (Section 167 of the Companies Act 2006) 1/2021
CH03 Change of secretary's details - (Section 276 of the Companies Act 2006) 75/2016
CH04 Change of corporate secretary's details - (Section 276 of the Companies Act 2006) 1/2021
CO1A Memorandum and Articles of Association for a Private Company adopting Table A with Modifications 73/2009
CO2 Model Articles of Association for a Private Company Limited by Shares 37/2013
CO35 Simple Form for Accounts of Dormant Company for Filing Purposes (Financial Years Beginning On or After 1st January 2016) 108/2015
CO36 Unanimous Consent of Members to Abridged Accounts 108/2015
CO3C Memorandum and Articles of Association for a Company Limited by Guarantee 37/2013
CO3G Draft Form of Agreement for Sale of a Business to a Private Company 59/2009
CO5B Indemnity to Company in Case of Loss of Certificate 132/2018
CO5C Request for Payment of Interest or Dividends - [DM1] 12/2013
CO980(1) Notice to non-assenting shareholders 11/2007
CO980DEC Statutory declaration relating to a notice to non-assenting shareholders 11/2007
CO984 Notice to non-assenting shareholders 11/2007
CON40 Stock Transfer Form - [STOCK] 47/2012
CON40A Talisman Sold Transfer na
CON40G Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK H] 47/2012
CON40H Stock Transfer Form (Transfer by Company) - [STOCK G] 47/2012
CON41A Request by Executors or Administrator to be registered as a member of a company 18/2017
COSC1 Share Certificate na
CS01 Confirmation statement (use this form if your confirmation date is 4 March 2024 or earlier) 12/2024
CS01(2024) Confirmation statement (use this form if your confirmation date is 5 March 2024 or later) 32/2024
CS01_Combined Confirmation statement plus additional information pages Parts I to IV (use this form if your confirmation date is 4 March 2024 or earlier) 12/2024
CS01_Combined(2024) Confirmation statement plus additional information pages Parts I to IV (use this form if your confirmation date is 5 March 2024 or later) 32/2024
DS01 Striking off application by a company 32/2024
DS01(CONT) Striking off application by a company - continuation page 32/2024
DS02 Withdrawal of striking off application by company 47/2012
EH01 Election to keep information from register of directors on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH02 Election to keep information from register of directors' residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH03 Election to keep information from register of secretaries on the central (public) register (Section 279A of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH04 Election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register (Section 790X of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH05 Election to keep information from register of members on the central (public) register (Section 128B of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH05(CONT) Election to keep information from register of members on the central (public) register - continuation page (Section 128B of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EH06 Update to members' information held on the central (public) register 75/2016
EH06 (CONT) Update to members' information held on the central (public) register 75/2016
EW01 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of directors on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EW02 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of directors' usual residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EW03 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of secretaries on the central (public) register (Section 279E of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EW04 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register (Section 790ZD of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
EW05 Withdrawal of election to keep members' information on the central (public) register (Section 128J of the Companies Act 2006) 87/2017
IC01 Notice of intention to carry on business as an investment company 47/2012
IC02 Notice that a company no longer wishes to be an investment company 47/2012
IN01 Application to register a company 32/2024
IN01(CONT) Application to register a company - continuation page 32/2024
LP5 Application for registration of a Limited Partnership 76/2017
LP6 Statement specifying the nature of a change in the limited partnership 26/2017
LP7 Application for registration of a Limited Partnership in England, Wales or Northern Ireland as a private fund limited partnership (In accordance with sections 8A & 8D of the Limited Partnership Act 1907) 76/2017
LP8 Application for designation as a private fund limited partnership (In accordance with section 8D of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907) 26/2017
MR01 Particulars of a charge 32/2024
MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired 32/2024
MR03 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures 32/2024
MR04 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge 87/2017
MR04(CONT) Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge - continuation page 87/2017
MR05 Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the company's property or undertaking 87/2017
MR05(CONT) Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the company's property or undertaking - continuation page 87/2017
MR06 Statement of company acting as a trustee 87/2017
MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) 87/2017
MR07(CONT) Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) - continuation page 87/2017
MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument 32/2024
MR08(CONT) Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument - continuation page 32/2024
MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument 32/2024
MR09(CONT) Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument - continuation page 32/2024
MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument 32/2024
MR10(CONT) Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument - continuation page 32/2024
MT01 Notice of commencement of moratorium 40/2020
MT01(CONT) Notice of commencement of moratorium - continuation page 40/2020
MT02 Notice of extension of moratorium 40/2020
MT02(CONT) Notice of extension of moratorium - continuation page 40/2020
MT03 Notice of early end of moratorium 40/2020
MT03(CONT) Notice of early end of moratorium - continuation page 40/2020
MT04 Notice of end of moratorium by a monitor 40/2020
MT04(CONT) Notice of end of moratorium by a monitor - continuation page 40/2020
MT05 Notice of end of moratorium by a court 40/2020
MT05(CONT) Notice of end of moratorium by a court - continuation page 40/2020
MT06 Notice of end of moratorium following disposal of application for extension by the court or following CVA proposal taking effect or being withdrawn 40/2020
MT06(CONT) Notice of end of moratorium following disposal of application for extension by the court or following CVA proposal taking effect or being withdrawn - continuation page 40/2020
MT07 Court order permitting disposal of property or goods 40/2020
MT08 Notice of appointment of replacement or additional monitor following court order 40/2020
MT08(CONT) Notice of appointment of replacement or additional monitor following court order - continuation page 40/2020
MT09 Notice of monitor ceasing to act following court order 40/2020
N500 Claim form - Directors disqualification application including Notes N500a and N500b 19/2021
N501 Claim form - Directors disqualification section 8A application including Notes N501a and N501b 55/2005
N502 Acknowledgment of Service - Directors disqualification application 19/2021
N503 Acknowledgment of Service - Directors Disqualification Section 8A Application 19/2021
N504 Pre-Trial Checklist - Directors Disqualification 55/2005
NCIN01 Application to register a company authorised to register under section 1040 of the Companies Act 2006 18/2017
NCIN01(CONT) Application to register a company authorised to register under section 1040 of the Companies Act 2006 - continuation page 18/2017
NE01 Exemption from requirement as to use of "limited" or cyfyngedig" on change of name 47/2012
NM01 Notice of change of name by resolution 32/2024
NM02 Notice of change of name by conditional resolution 32/2024
NM03 Notice confirming satisfaction of the conditional resolution for change of name 32/2024
NM04 Notice of change of name by means provided for in the articles 32/2024
NM05 Notice of change of name by resolution of directors 32/2024
NM06 Request to seek comments of government department or other specified body on change of name 25/2011
OSAA01 Statement of details of parent law and other information for an overseas company 1/2021
OSAA02 Return of alteration of manner of compliance with accounting requirement 28/2010
OSAD02 Notice of location, or change in location, of instruments creating charges and register of charges for an overseas company 47/2012
OSAP01 Appointment of director of an overseas company 20/2018
OSAP02 Appointment of corporate director of an overseas company 1/2021
OSAP03 Appointment of secretary of an overseas company 15/2011
OSAP04 Appointment of corporate secretary of an overseas company 1/2021
OSAP05 Appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to represent the company as a permanent representative in respect of a UK establishment 47/2012
OSAP07 Appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to accept service of documents on behalf of the company in respect of a UK establishment 47/2012
OSCC01 Return by an overseas company of an alteration to constitutional documents 47/2012
OSCC02 Return by an overseas company of change of UK establishment relating to constitutional documents 47/2012
OSCH01 Return by a UK establishment of an overseas company for change of details 20/2018
OSCH02 Notice by an overseas company of a change of company details, or of details not previously delivered 1/2021
OSCH03 Change of details of a director of an overseas company 20/2018
OSCH04 Change of details of a corporate director of an overseas company 1/2021
OSCH05 Change of details of a secretary of an overseas company 47/2012
OSCH06 Change of details of a corporate secretary of an overseas company 1/2021
OSCH07 Change of details by an overseas company for a person authorised to represent the company in respect of the UK establishment 47/2012
OSCH09 Change of details by an overseas company for a person authorised to accept service of documents on behalf of the company in respect of a UK establishment 47/2012
OSDS01 Notice of closure of a UK establishment of an overseas company 33/2012
OSDS01(CONT) Notice of closure of a UK establishment of an overseas company - continuation page 33/2012
OSDS02 Notice of termination of winding up of an overseas company 28/2010
OSIN01 Registration of an overseas company opening a UK establishment 32/2024
OSIN01(CONT) Registration of an overseas company opening a UK establishment - continuation page 32/2024
OSLQ01 Notice of appointment of a liquidator of an overseas company 47/2012
OSLQ02 Notice by an overseas company which becomes subject to proceedings relating to insolvency 47/2012
OSLQ03 Notice of winding up of an overseas company 47/2012
OSLQ04 Notice by an overseas company on cessation of proceedings relating to insolvency 47/2012
OSMG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge by an overseas company 15/2011
OSMG01(CONT) Particulars of a mortgage or charge by an overseas company - continuation page 15/2011
OSMG02 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge for an overseas company 87/2017
OSMG02(CONT) Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge for an overseas company - continuation page 87/2017
OSMG03 Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property, for an overseas company 15/2011
OSMG03(CONT) Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property, for an overseas company 15/2011
OSNM01 Registration of change of name of overseas company as registered in the UK 32/2024
OSTM01 Termination of appointment of director of an overseas company 87/2015
OSTM02 Termination of appointment of secretary of an overseas company 47/2012
OSTM03 Termination of appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to accept service of documents or person authorised to represent the company in respect of a UK establishment 47/2012
OSTN01 Transitional return by a UK establishment of an overseas company 87/2017
OSTN01(CONT) Transitional return by a UK establishment of an overseas company - continuation page 47/2012
PSC01 Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) 20/2018
PSC02 Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control 102/2017
PSC03 Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control 102/2017
PSC04 Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) 20/2018
PSC05 Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control 102/2017
PSC06 Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control 102/2017
PSC07 Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP) 102/2017
PSC08 Notification of PSC statements 87/2017
PSC09 Update to PSC statements 67/2017
RM01 Notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager 87/2017
RM02 Notice of ceasing to act as an administrative receiver, receiver or manager 87/2017
RP01 Replacement of document not meeting requirements for proper delivery 21/2024
RP02A Application for rectification by the Registrar of Companies 12/2013
RP02B Application for rectification of a registered office or UK establishment address by the Registrar of Companies 47/2012
RP03 Notice of an objection to a request for the Registrar of Companies to rectify the Register 47/2012
RP04 Second filing of a document previously delivered 21/2024
RP06 Application for removal of material about directors who have not consented to act 87/2017
RP07 Application to change a company's disputed registered office address 21/2024
RP07(CONT) Application to change a company's disputed registered office address - continuation page 21/2024
RR01 Application by a private company for re-registration as a public company 32/2024
RR02 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private limited company 32/2024
RR03 Notice by the company of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration 47/2012
RR04 Notice by the applicants of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration 47/2012
RR04(CONT) Notice by the applicants of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration - continuation page 16/2016
RR05 Application by a private limited company for re-registration as an unlimited company 32/2024
RR05(CONT) Application by a private limited company for re-registration as an unlimited company - continuation page 32/2024
RR06 Application by an unlimited company for re-registration as a private limited company 32/2024
RR07 Application by a public limited company for re-registration as a private unlimited company 32/2024
RR07(CONT) Application by a public limited company for re-registration as a private unlimited company - continuation page 32/2024
RR08 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private limited company following a court order reducing capital 32/2024
RR09 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private company following a cancellation of shares 32/2024
RT01 Application for administrative restoration to the Register 22/2025
SH01 Return of allotment of shares 35/2022
SH01(CONT) Return of allotment of shares - Continuation page 35/2022
SH02 Notice of consolidation, sub-division, redemption of shares or re-conversion of stock into shares 35/2022
SH02(CONT) Notice of consolidation, sub-division, redemption of shares or re-conversion of stock into shares - continuation page 35/2022
SH03 Return of purchase of own shares 35/2022
SH04 Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares by a public limited company (PLC) 78/2013
SH05 Notice of cancellation of treasury shares by a public limited company (PLC) 35/2022
SH05(CONT) Notice of cancellation of treasury shares by a public limited company (PLC) - continuation page 35/2022
SH06 Notice of cancellation of shares 35/2022
SH06(CONT) Notice of cancellation of shares - continuation page 35/2022
SH07 Notice of cancellation of shares held by or for a public company 35/2022
SH07(CONT) Notice of cancellation of shares held by or for a public company - continuation page 35/2022
SH08 Notice of name or other designation of class of shares 47/2012
SH09 Return of allotment by an unlimited company allotting a new class of shares 47/2012
SH09(CONT) Return of allotment by an unlimited company allotting a new class of shares - continuation page 16/2016
SH10 Notice of particulars of variation of rights attached to shares 33/2012
SH10(CONT) Notice of particulars of variation of rights attached to shares - continuation page 33/2012
SH11 Notice of new class of members 47/2012
SH11(CONT) Notice of new class of members - continuation page 16/2016
SH12 Notice of particulars of variation of class rights 47/2012
SH12(CONT) Notice of particulars of variation of class rights - continuation page 16/2016
SH13 Notice of name or other designation of class of members 47/2012
SH14 Notice of redenomination 35/2022
SH14(CONT) Notice of redenomination - continuation page 35/2022
SH15 Notice of reduction of capital following redenomination 35/2022
SH15(CONT) Notice of reduction of capital following redenomination - continuation page 35/2022
SH16 Notice by the applicants of application to court for cancellation of the special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital 47/2012
SH16(CONT) Notice by the applicants of application to court for cancellation of the special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital - continuation page 16/2016
SH17 Notice by the company of application to court for cancellation of special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital 47/2012
SH19 Statement of capital 72/2023
SH19(CONT) Statement of capital - continuation page 72/2023
SH19s7_2 Statement of capital on cancellation of share warrants - s7_2 72/2023
SH19s7_2(CONT) Statement of capital on cancellation of share warrants - s7_2 - continuation page 72/2023
SH19SR Statement of capital for reduction supported by solvency statement or court order 32/2024
SH19SR(CONT) Statement of capital for reduction supported by solvency statement or court order - continuation page 32/2024
SH50 Application for trading certificate for a public company 87/2017
SR01 Application under section 1088 by an individual to make an address unavailable for public inspection 4/2025
SR01(CONT) Application under section 1088 by an individual to make an address unavailable for public inspection - continuation page 4/2025
TM01 Termination of appointment of director 132/2018
TM02 Termination of appointment of secretary 132/2018


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