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Divorce Range

Title Description EFIS
D252 Notice of commencement of assessment of bill of costs 28/2011
D254 Request for a Default Costs Certificate 35/2014
D258 Request for detailed assessment hearing (general form) 28/2011
D258A Request for Detailed Assessment (Legal aid/Legal Services Commission only) 7/2015
D258B Request for Detailed Assessment (Costs payable out of a fund other than Civil Legal Aid) 7/2015
D258C Request for Detailed Assessment Hearing Pursuant to an Order Under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974 7/2015
D259 Notice of Appeal Against a detailed Assessment 7/2015
D440 Request for a search for a divorce decree absolute or final order at the Central Family Court 83/2024
D650 Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial order (Form E calculator error) 8/2016
D651 Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial remedy (Form E1 calculator error) 29/2016
DIV_A Notice of [intention to proceed with] a financial application to which the standard procedure applies [FORMA] 35/2024
DIV_A1 Notice of [intention to proceed with] a financial application to which the fast-track procedure applies [FORMA1] 35/2024
DIV_A2 Notice of [Intention to Proceed With] an Application for a Financial Remedy in the Magistrates Court - [FORMA2] 7/2015
DIV_B Notice of an Application to Consider the Financial Position of the Respondent after the Divorce/Dissolution - [FORMB] 35/2024
DIV_C Notice of a First Appointment - [FORMC] 72/2014
DIV_D Notice of a Financial Dispute Resolution - [FORMD] 72/2014
DIV_E Financial Statement [FORME] 10/2023
DIV_E(Notes) Divorce Form E Notes for Guidance - [FORME Notes] 10/2023
DIV_E_SchedCont Continuation for Schedule of Documents to Financial Statements [Forms E] 23/2012
DIV_E1 Financial Statement for a Financial Remedy (Other Than a Financial Order or Financial Relief After an Overseas Divorce or Dissolution etc) in the Family Court or High Court - [FORME1] 28/2024
DIV_E2 Financial Statement for a Variation of an Order for a Financial Remedy - [FORME2] 10/2023
DIV_F Notice of Allegation in Proceedings for a Financial Remedy - [FORMF] 72/2014
DIV_G Notice of Response to First Appointment- [FORMG] 72/2014
DIV_H Statement of the Costs already incurred and an Estimate of Costs to be incurred (Financial Remedy) - [FORMH] 49/2020
DIV_H1 Statement of costs (financial remedy) - [FORMH1] 49/2020
DIV1 Application for a divorce or dissolution (ending a civil partnership) - D8 [Divorce Petition] [P8AW][P8BW][P8CW][P8DW][P8EW][P8AH][P8BH][P8CH][P8DH][P8EH] 28/2024
DIV10 Statement in support of a request to dispense with service of the divorce/ dissolution/(judicial) separation/nullity application on the respondent - D13B 28/2024
DIV11 Notice of application for a conditional order to be made final - D36 57/2024
DIV114 Undertaking to Court by [Petitioner] [Respondent] as to Removal of Children from England and Wales 28/2011
DIV115 Consent and Undertaking by Parties to Each Other as to Removal of Children from England and Wales 28/2011
DIV11A Notice of application for a conditional order to be made final - D36A 57/2024
DIV11N Notice of application for a conditional order of nullity to be made final - D36N 28/2024
DIV12 Notice of Proceedings and Acknowledgement of Service under Section 17 of the Married Women's Property Act 1882/Section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 - D50A 23/2012
DIV13 Notice to be Indorsed on Document Served in Accordance With Rule 6.14 - D5 36/2011
DIV14 Notice of Application under Section 17 of the Married Women's Property Act 1882/Section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 - D50 7/2015
DIV15 Application for an Order Preventing Avoidance Under Section 32L of the Child Support Act 1991 - D50J 7/2015
DIV16 Application on ground of failure to provide reasonable maintenance - [D50C] 7/2021
DIV17 Application for Alteration of Maintenance Agreement During Parties Lifetime - D50H 7/2015
DIV18 Application for Alteration of Maintenance Agreement After the Death of One of the Parties Under Section 36 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973/Paragraph 73 to Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 - D50D 7/2015
DIV19 Application under section 17 of The Married Women's Property Act 1882 / section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 / Application to Transfer a Tenancy Under The Family Law Act 1996 - D50B 7/2015
DIV1S Application for a (judicial) separation - D8S 28/2024
DIV2 Nullity Application - D8N 7/2024
DIV20 Application for Permission to Apply for Financial Relief After an Overseas Divorce etc. Under Section 13 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 / Paragraph 4 of Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 - D50E 7/2015
DIV21 Application for Financial Relief After an Overseas Divorce etc. - D50F 7/2015
DIV22 Application to Prevent Transaction Intended to Defeat Prospective Applications for Financial Relief - D50G 7/2015
DIV23 Request for Issue of Judgment Summons - D62 7/2015
DIV24 Application for Declaration of Marital/Civil Partnership Status - D70 35/2014
DIV3 Answer to a divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation application - D8B 28/2024
DIV30 Statement in Support of Annulment - Void Marriage/Civil Partnership - D80F 35/2014
DIV31 Statement in Support of Annulment - Voidable Marriage/Civil Partnership - D80G 72/2014
DIV32 Statement of information for a consent order in relation to a financial remedy - D81 28/2024
DIV33 Application for a conditional order or (judicial) separation order - D84 28/2024
DIV33NV Application for a conditional order of nullity - void marriage/civil partnership - D84NV 71/2022
DIV33NVA Application for a conditional order of nullity - voidable marriage/civil partnership - D84NVA 32/2022
DIV34 Request for Personal Service by a Court Bailiff - D89 6/2025
DIV35 Pension Inquiry Form - [FORMP] 36/2011
DIV36 Pension Sharing Annex Under [section 24B of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [paragraph 15 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] - [FORM P1] 7/2024
DIV37 Pension Attachment Annex Under [Section 25B or 25C of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] - [FORMP2] 7/2024
DIV38 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Inquiry Form - Information needed when a Pension Compensation Sharing Order or Pension Compensation Attachment Order May be Made - [FORMPPF] 7/2024
DIV39 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Sharing Annex to a Pension Compensation Sharing Order [Section 24E of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [Paragraph 19A of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] - [FORMPPF1] 7/2024
DIV3N Answer to a nullity application - D8BN 28/2024
DIV4 Statement of Reconciliation - D6 28/2024
DIV40 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Attachment Annex to a Pension Compensation Attachment Order [Section 25F of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [Paragraph 34A of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] - [FORMPPF2] 7/2024
DIV42 Respond to a divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation application - D10 42/2024
DIV6 Petition for a Presumption of Death Decree/Order and the Dissolution of a Marriage/Civil Partnership - D8D 44/2014
DIV6_Notes Supporting Notes for Guidance on Completing a Petition for a Presumption of Death Decree/order and Dissolution of the Marriage/Civil Partnership - D8D Notes 44/2014
DIV7 Notice of Application for Enforcement by such method of enforcement as the court may consider appropriate - D50K 22/2023
DIV8 Medical examination: statement of parties and examiner - D20 28/2024
DIV9 Application notice - D11 55/2022
DIVD151 Application for registration of a maintenance order in the family court 29/2016
EX160(2023) Apply for help with fees (for applications made or fees paid on or after 27 November 2023) 70/2023
EX160B Undertaking to apply for remission of a court fee or tribunal fee, or to pay a court fee or tribunal fee 82/2013
FP8 Notice of Change of Solicitor 44/2023


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