Children Act Range
Title | Description | EFIS |
C(PRA1) | Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4(1)(b)) | 14/2024 |
C(PRA2) | Step-Parent Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4(1)(a)) | 14/2024 |
C(PRA3) | Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4ZA) | na |
C1 | Application for an Order - [CA1] | 56/2022 |
C100 | Application under section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a Child Arrangements, Prohibited Steps, Specific Issue Order or to Vary or Discharge or ask permission to make a section 8 Order - [CA100] [CA100(S)] | 36/2024 |
C11 | Supplement for an application for an Emergency Protection Order (s.44 Children Act 1989) - [CA11] | na |
C110 | Application under the Children Act 1989 for a care or supervision order - [CA110] | na |
C110A | Application for a Care or Supervision Order and Other Orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an Emergency Protection Order under Section 44 of the Children Act 1989 | 91/2016 |
C12 | Supplement for an application for a warrant to assist a person authorised by an Emergency Protection Order (s.48 Children Act 1989) - [CA12] | na |
C120 | Witness statement template | na |
C13 | Supplement for an application for a Care or Supervision Order | 57/2016 |
C13A | Supplement for an application for a Special Guardianship Order - [CA13A] | na |
C14 | Supplement for an application for authority to refuse contact with a child in care (s.34(4) Children Act 1989) - [CA14] | na |
C15 | Supplement for an application for contact with a child in care (s.34(2) and (3) Children Act 1989) - [CA15] | na |
C16 | Supplement for an application for a Child Assessment Order (s.43 Children Act 1989) - [CA16] | na |
C17 | Supplement for an application for an Education Supervision Order (s.36 Children Act 1989) - [CA17] | na |
C17A | Supplement for an application for an extention of an Education Supervision Order - [CA17A] | na |
C18 | Supplement for an application for a Recovery Order (s.50 Children Act 1989) - [CA18] | na |
C19 | Application for a Warrant of Assistance - [CA19] | na |
C1A | Allegations of harm and domestic violence (Supplemental information form) - [CA1A] | 57/2016 |
C2 | Application - [CA2] | 56/2022 |
C20 | Supplement for an application for an order to hold a child in Secure Accommodation - [CA20] | 83/2016 |
C3 | Application for an order authorising search for, taking charge of, and delivery of, a child (s.34 Family Law Act 1986) - [CA3] | na |
C4 | Application for an order for disclosure of a child's whereabouts (s.33 Family Law Act 1986) - [CA4] | na |
C5 | Application Concerning the Registration of a Child-Minder or Provider of Day-Care - [CA5] | na |
C51 | Application for a Parental Order (s.54 or 54A) - [CA51] | 73/2019 |
C52 | Acknowledgment s. 54 or 54A of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 | 73/2019 |
C63 | Application for declaration of parentage under section 55A of the Family Law Act 1986 - [CA63] | 11/2021 |
C64 | Application for a declaration of legitimacy or legitimation under section 56(1)(b) and (2) of the Family Law Act 1986 - [CA64] | 29/2017 |
C65 | Application for declaration as to adoption effected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986 - [CA65] | 29/2017 |
C66 | Application for inherent jurisdiction order in relation to children - [CA66] | 69/2016 |
C67 | Application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 - [CA67] | 11/2021 |
C68 | Application for International Transfer of Jurisdiction to or from England and Wales - [CA68] | 81/2016 |
C69 | Application for Registration, Recognition or Non Recognition of a Judgment under Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 or the 1996 Hague Convention | 11/2021 |
C7 | Acknowledgement | na |
C78 | Application for Attachment of a Warning Notice to a Child Arrangements Order - [CA78] | 57/2016 |
C79 | Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order - [CA79] | 64/2022 |
C8 | Confidential contact details | 5/2025 |
C9 | Statement of Service - [CA9] | na |
DIV_A1 | Notice of [intention to proceed with] a financial application to which the fast-track procedure applies [FORMA1] | 36/2024 |
DIV_A2 | Notice of [Intention to Proceed With] an Application for a Financial Remedy in the Magistrates Court - [FORMA2] | 9/2016 |
DIV_E1 | Financial Statement for a Financial Remedy (Other Than a Financial Order or Financial Relief After an Overseas Divorce or Dissolution etc) in the Family Court or High Court - [FORME1] | 29/2024 |
DIV_E2 | Financial Statement for a Variation of an Order for a Financial Remedy - [FORME2] | 11/2023 |
FM1 | Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) | 36/2024 |
FM5 | Statement of position on non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) | 36/2024 |
FP300 | Request by Educational Charity to Attend Family Proceedings for Authorisation by the President of the Family Division | 112/2018 |
FP301 | Notice of Attendance of Duly Authorised Lawyer | 119/2018 |
PLOAP | Public Law Outline Allocation Proposal | na |
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