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Saving Customised Oyez Templates

See also: customising a form template

The master, custom and user libraries

The root of the library tree in the FILE>NEW dialogue is split to display the three available template storage options.

Master folder

Contains original form templates, managed by OyezForms via Active Library.
Available to all users of networked OyezForms.
Selected by Default.
Template files are stored in <app folder>\library\master\ folder

Custom folder

Contains shared customised form templates.
Available to all users of networked OyezForms.
Templates are not updated by Active Library and must be maintained manually by users.
Template files are stored in <app folder>\library\custom\ folder

User folder

Contains a user's personal set of customised form templates.
Not available to other users of networked OyezForms.
Templates are not updated by Active Library and must be maintained manually by user.
Template files are stored in user's path to unique files folder, as set in Admin(Tools in older versions)>Options>General

To customise a form template for the Custom/User library

  1. Customise the form template until it meets your requirements.
  2. Select File>Save in library
  3. You will be prompted if you wish to remove inputted text. If you select No, filled-in text will be saved as part of the template
  4. The Save In Library dialogue will appear, enabling you to edit the form's properties. The default details will match the original template, the default Library will be set to User
  5. Once saved, the form will appear in either the Custom or User library root folder in the File>New dialogue.

If you want your case-management software to automate the template, ensure the form title is unique. e.g. LRTR1 could become LRTR1_cust

When OyezForms Active Library downloads new versions of the original template because of legal changes, the custom/user template must be recreated.