Limited Liability Partnership Range
Title | Description | EFIS |
LLAA01 | Change of accounting reference date of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 36/2022 |
LLAA02 | Notice of removal of auditor from a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLAA06 | Statement of guarantee by a parent undertaking of a subsidiary Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 36/2022 |
LLAD01 | Change of registered office address of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 13/2024 |
LLAD02 | Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 61/2013 |
LLAD03 | Change of location of the records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 73/2016 |
LLAD04 | Change of location of the records to the registered office of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 73/2016 |
LLAD05 | Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales Limited Liability Partnership or a Welsh Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 19/2015 |
LLAP01 | Appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 36/2022 |
LLAP02 | Appointment of corporate member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 2/2021 |
LLAP03 | Appointment of judicial factor (Scotland) to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 26/2011 |
LLAR01 | Annual Return of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (2015) | 44/2016 |
LLAR01(CONT) | Annual Return of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (2015) - continuation page | 44/2016 |
LLCH01 | Change of details of a member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 84/2015 |
LLCH02 | Change of details of a corporate member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 2/2021 |
LLCH03 | Change of service address for a judicial factor (Scotland) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLCS01 | LLP Confirmation statement (use this form if your confirmation date is 4 March 2024 or earlier) | 13/2024 |
LLCS01(2024) | LLP Confirmation statement (use this form if your confirmation date is 5 March 2024 or later) | 33/2024 |
LLDE01 | Notice of change of status of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLDS01 | Striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLDS01(CONT) | Striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - continuation page | 33/2024 |
LLDS02 | Withdrawal of striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLEH01 | Election to keep information from register of LLP members on the central (public) register | 74/2016 |
LLEH02 | Election to keep information from register of LLP members' residential addresses on the central (public) register | 74/2016 |
LLEH04 | Election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register for a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 59/2017 |
LLEW01 | Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of LLP members on the central (public) register | 74/2016 |
LLEW02 | Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of LLP members' usual residential addresses on the central (public) register | 74/2016 |
LLEW04 | Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register for a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 74/2016 |
LLIN01 | Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLIN01(CONT) | Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - continuation page | 33/2024 |
LLMR01 | Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLMR02 | Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLMR03 | Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLMR04 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 20/2017 |
LLMR04(CONT) | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - continuation page | 86/2017 |
LLMR05 | Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the Limited Liability Partnership's (LLP's) property or undertaking | 20/2017 |
LLMR05(CONT) | Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the Limited Liability Partnership's (LLP's) property or undertaking - continuation page | 86/2017 |
LLMR06 | Statemment of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) acting as a Trustee | 86/2017 |
LLMR07 | Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 86/2017 |
LLMR07(CONT) | Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - continuation page | 86/2017 |
LLMR08 | Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument | 33/2024 |
LLMR08(CONT) | Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument - continuation page | 33/2024 |
LLMR09 | Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument | 33/2024 |
LLMR09(CONT) | Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument - continuation page | 33/2024 |
LLMR10 | Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument | 33/2024 |
LLMR10(CONT) | Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument - continuation page | 33/2024 |
LLNM01 | Notice of change of name of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 33/2024 |
LLP1a | Incorporated Partnership Deed | 59/2017 |
LLP1b | Incorporation Agreement | 20/2017 |
LLP1c | Incorporated Partnership Agreement | 59/2017 |
LLPSC01 | Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 21/2018 |
LLPSC02 | Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 103/2017 |
LLPSC03 | Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 103/2017 |
LLPSC04 | Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 21/2018 |
LLPSC05 | Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 103/2017 |
LLPSC06 | Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 103/2017 |
LLPSC07 | Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 103/2017 |
LLPSC08 | Notification of PSC statements for a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 86/2017 |
LLPSC09 | Update to PSC statements for a limited liability partnership (LLP) | 59/2017 |
LLRM01 | Notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager | 86/2017 |
LLRM02 | Notice of ceasing to act as an administrative receiver, receiver or manager | 86/2017 |
LLRP01 | Replacement of document not meeting requirements for proper delivery for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 18/2024 |
LLRP02A | Application for rectification by the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLRP02B | Application for rectification of a registered office address by the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLRP03 | Notice of an objection to a request for the Registrar of Companies to rectify the Register for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLRP04 | Second filing of a document previously delivered for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 18/2024 |
LLRT01 | Application for administrative restoration of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to the Register | 23/2025 |
LLTM01 | Termination of appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 133/2018 |
LLTM02 | Termination of appointment of a judicial factor (Scotland) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
LLVT01 | Certified voluntary translation of an original document that is or has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) | 34/2012 |
Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.