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The Ministry of Justice has amended existing Civil Procedure forms N117, the N161A Notes which accompany N161, N463, HCN067 and HCPF87 in response to changes which were introduced on 1st October by the 59th update to the Civil Procedure Rules and by the Civil Procedure (Amendment No.2) Rules 2012. N210C is a new form which acknowledges service of an application under section 336 of the Charities Act 2011 where a contempt of court is alleged. N463 has been amended at the request of the Administrative Court. N265_Expandable and N349_Expandable are new expandable versions added to our Civil Procedure range. Subscribers must be running Oyezforms Version 10. For upgrade information, please visit Finally we have made field label amendments to the remaining forms listed for subscribers who integrate Oyezforms with their Case Managements systems. All forms can be used immediately.