Customer Portal

If you haven’t already, register for the Customer Portal: unlock a wealth of useful information and submit cases in an easier, more efficient way! Find out more here.

Program Resource Downloads

For the OyezForms program installation files, click here.

Data files

Please note, these databases are no longer centrally updated by Advanced.

The following files should be present in the \library\master\ sub-folder of your application folder. These are automatically supplied by the Active Library process.


Land Registry & Local Authority addresses for use in your Conveyancing, Law Society & Core Law Society ranges.


County & High Court addresses for use in the Civil Procedure, Divorce and Children Act ranges.


Probate Registry addresses for use in your Probate range.

iFilters for Windows

Download relevant msi and double-click to run install. The dll will be installed and registered. Advanced users can register the dll manually.

For iFilter support, click here.


32-bit iFilter dll file


64-bit iFilter dll file