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Family Law Range

Title Description EFIS
FL401 Application for non-molestation or occupation order Family Law Act 1996 (Part 4) 43/2023
FL401a Application for a Forced Marriage Protection Order 30/2017
FL401SR Sworn Statement na
FL402 Notice of Proceedings [Hearing] [Directions Appointment] 30/2017
FL402A Notice of Proceedings Hearing Directions Appointment 30/2017
FL403 Application to vary, extend or discharge an order in existing proceedings 13/2023
FL403A Application to vary, extend or discharge a forced marriage protection order 13/2023
FL407 Application for a Warrant of Arrest 81/2024
FL407A Application for a Warrant of Arrest 13/2023
FL410 Recognizance of Respondent 100/2016
FL411 Recognizance of Respondent's Surety 100/2016
FL412 Bail Notice 100/2016
FL415 Statement of Service 30/2017
FL416 Notice to Mortgagees and Landlords Family Law Act 1996 30/2017
FL417 Transfer of Proceedings 100/2016
FL422 General Form of Undertaking 30/2017
FL430 Application for leave to apply for a Forced Marriage Protection Order 30/2017
FL431 Application to be joined as, or cease to be a party to an Forced Marriage Protection Proceedings 81/2024
FP26 Notice of Acting na


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