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Last EFIS release: 58/2009 (September 2009)

Form status: Deleted

Important Notice

These forms require you to be running OyezForms V9.01K or above. Click here for program upgrade information.

OyezForms will force the print output of these forms to 100% as no scaling will be accepted by Companies House. However, please ensure your printer driver is also set to output at 100%, as this is outside of our control.

Companies House has drafted these new forms under new Registrar’s Rules for use under the Companies Act 2006 which will come into force on 1st October.

Following the changes to Company Act 2006 forms COM398, COM410, COM419A, COM491B and COM466 has become obsolete.

For more detailed information, please consult the Companies House website at

All EFIS releases

EFIS 58 - 2009 September 2009  Deleted
EFIS 32 - 2006 April 2006  New/Amended