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CPR110 - Certificate of enforcement in a foreign country

Last EFIS release: 37/2016 (April 2016)

Form status: New/Amended

The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2016 will come into force on 6th April and will make some wide ranging changes to the existing Rules in relation to cost management provisions, charging orders and the centralisation of attachment of earnings orders at the County Court Money Claims Centre.

These changes to the Civil Procedure Rules have resulted in the Ministry of Justice amending the forms listed and rendered HCPF12 obsolete.

N379 and N380 have now been redesigned and as a result N379_Expandable and N380_Expandable are being removed from the range.

All forms can be used immediately.

In addition, a new range Chancery Division has been added to OyezForms, which the Ministry of Justice created for inclusion in a revised Chancery Guide. This range includes the following forms:

For information regarding these forms, please contact sales on 08450 17 5517 or email

All EFIS releases

EFIS 37 - 2016 April 2016  New/Amended
EFIS 53 - 2002 November 2002  New/Amended