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AD02 - Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL) (Sections 114, 162, 228, 237, 275, 358, 702, 720, 743, 805, 809, 877, 859Q & 892 of the Companies Act 2006)

Last EFIS release: 60/2013 (June 2013)

Form status: New/Amended

Companies House has made minor amendments to forms AD02, AD03 and AD04 by inserting a statutory reference in the top left-hand corner of each form.

Also MR01(CONT)_Expandable has been added to this range.

All forms can be used immediately.

All EFIS releases

EFIS 60 - 2013 June 2013  New/Amended
EFIS 25 - 2011 March 2011  New/Amended
EFIS 28 - 2010 May 2010  New/Amended
EFIS 59 - 2009 September 2009  New/Amended