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EFIS 57, May 2014 : Divorce

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Further to Efis No.53/2014, the Ministry of Justice have made amendments to forms DIV36, DIV37, DIV40 and DIV_I.

Please also find available DIV1 and DIV1_Flexi which have received a slight macro amendment.

All forms can be used immediately.

Forms affected

DIV1_Flexi Divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation petition - D8 [P8AW] [P8BW][P8CW][P8DW][P8EW][P8AH][P8BH][P8CH][P8DH][P8EH] New/Amended
DIV37 Pension Attachment Annex Under [Section 25B or 25C of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] - [FORMP2] New/Amended
DIV36 Pension Sharing Annex Under [section 24B of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [paragraph 15 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] - [FORMP1] New/Amended
DIV40 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Attachment Annex to a Pension Compensation Attachment Order [Section 25F of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [Paragraph 34A of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] - [FORMPPF2] New/Amended
DIV1 Divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation petition - D8 [P8AW] [P8BW][P8CW][P8DW][P8EW][P8AH][P8BH][P8CH][P8DH][P8EH] New/Amended
DIV_I Notice of Request for Periodical Payments Order at Same Rate as Order for Maintenance Pending Outcome of Proceedings - [FORMI] New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.