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EFIS 39, June 2010 : Inheritance Tax / Inland Revenue

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Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has changed the wording on the Inheritance Tax forms listed to reflect changes which will be introduced by the Finance Act 2010.

Practitioners should not use the amended versions of these Inheritance Tax forms before 1st July.

Finally, we have a beta version of form IHT400(all) which combines forms IHT400-IHT423. If practitioners are interested in using this form, please email us at

Forms affected

IHTD39 Foreign assets New/Amended
IHT100 Inheritance Tax Account New/Amended
IHT100(ALL) Inheritance Tax Account, plus Event Forms, Supplementary Pages and Worksheet New/Amended
R85 Getting Your Interest Without Tax Taken Off New/Amended
IHT205(2006) Return of estate information New/Amended
IHTC5(2006) Return of estate information New/Amended
IHT400 Inheritance Tax account New/Amended
IHT403 Gifts and other transfers of value New/Amended
IHT404 Jointly owned assets New/Amended
IHT409 Pensions New/Amended
IHT417 Foreign assets New/Amended
IHT421 Probate summary New/Amended
IHT408 Household and personal goods donated to charity New/Amended
IHT418 Assets held in trust New/Amended
IHT400C Inheritance Tax account - Calculation New/Amended
IR185EI Statement of income from estates New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.