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EFIS 60, December 2007 : Immigration - Applications

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The Border and Immigration Agency has conducted a review of the FMRS and forms EEA1, EEA2, EEFA3 and EEA4 following changes to the guidance notes on these forms, as a result of the introduction of new procedures.

Immigration practitioners should use these amended forms immediately.

Forms affected

EEA1 Application for a registration certificate in the UK by European Economic Area (EEA) nationals and their EEA or Swiss national family members residing in the UK New/Amended
EEA2 Application for a residence card in the UK by Non-European Economic Area (non-EEA) national family members of EEA nationals residing in the UK New/Amended
EEA3 Application for permanent residence in the UK by European Economic Area (EEA) nationals and their EEA or Swiss national family members residing in the UK New/Amended
EEA4 Application for permanent residence in the UK by Non-European Economic Area (non-EEA) national family members of EEA nationals residing in the UK New/Amended
FMRS Application for a family member residence stamp by a non-European Economic Area (EEA) national family members of persons required to register under the Accession State Worker Registration Scheme New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.