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EFIS 1, January 2007 : Scottish Conveyancing
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The Registers of Scotland have introduced new Agency Application Forms which will be valid from 22nd January 2007, as a result of the Land Registration (Scotland) Rules 2006. These forms can be used immediately.
The changes to required forms are because the Agency is introducing Optical Charter Recognition (OCR) scanning technology which will scan application forms.
The forms SCFORM8, SCF10P16 and SCF12P17 are now obsolete and should be deleted from your system.
Please Note: Before submitting these forms ensure the barcodes are present, top right corner on each page.
If NOT present, please contact Support on Tel: 020 7556 3201.
This EFIS requires deletions. For deletion instructions, click here
Forms affected
Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.