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EFIS 12, February 2006 : Scottish Conveyancing

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Due to requests by customers forms ID and SAF_CONT have now been added to the Scottish Conveyancing range.

These forms can be used immediately.

We have also taken this opportunity to update SCFORM10-SCFORM15 which now pre-fills the licensee details, and these are available for your immediate use.

Forms affected

ID Identification Form New/Amended
SAF_CONT Additional Sheets for the SAF New/Amended
SCFORM10 Application for a Report Prior to Registration of the Subjects Described Below New/Amended
SCFORM11 Application for Continuation of Report Prior to Registration of the Subjects Described Below New/Amended
SCFORM12 Application for a Report over Registered Subjects New/Amended
SCFORM13 Application for Continuation of Report over Registered Subjects New/Amended
SCFORM14 Application for a Report to Ascertain whether or not Subjects have been Registered New/Amended
SCFORM15 Application for an Office Copy New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.