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EFIS 1, January 2002 : Court of Protection

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The above forms have been amended by the Public Trustee (Notices Affecting Land)(Title on Death)(Amendment) Regulations 2001 to take account of the change in title of the Public Trust Office to the Public Trustee.

Although these Regulations will come into force on 1st January 2002, the transitional provisions enable the old versions of NL(1) and NL(2) to be submitted to the Public Trustee until 1st April 2002 but NOT thereafter.

However, we recommend that you use the amended versions of NL(1) and NL(2) from the beginning of the New Year.

Forms affected

NL(1) Application for Registration of a Notice Affecting Land New/Amended
NL(2) Application for Search of Register of Notices Affecting Land New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.