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Controlling the OyezForms Library Path

The library folder contains all library resources. Where more than one user of OyezForms exists, it is desirable to centralise the form library resource. This allows a single user to update the library for all via Active Library. The options for setting this are:

  1. Manually
  2. Directly in registry
  3. Via AD policy using the OyezForms.msi

Setting the library path manually

If you manually install on a small number of user PCs, you can simply use the oyezforms.msi dialogue to set the library path.

You can also set the library path at any time via the ADMIN>OPTIONS>DATABASES tab.


Via the Registry

This can be achieved by rolling-out registry settings as follows. OyezForms will first check for any HKCU value, then HKLM, and finally defaults to constructing \library\ as a path.

Key options: HKLM\Software\Oyez\Oyez Legal Forms\User , HKCU\Software\Oyez\Oyez Legal Forms\User
The following value sets location of the library store (templates, and governing database). The trailing backslash is important. OyezForms will append 'master\' to the path specified.
String value: LibraryPath p:\oyezforms\library\
The following value sets the location of Oyez-authored lists of local authorities, on-form drop-down lists etc. Oyez recommend keeping this the same as library path, above.
String value: OyezDatabasePath p:\oyezforms\library\master\

Active Directory Policy / MSEXEC control of roll-out

The oyezforms.msi can be used to roll out OyezForms and offers control properties as follows.

Msi Property



If set to "1", Instructs oyezfrms.msi to insert LIBRARYPATH value into registry


Contains shared library path value to be created under HKLM\Software\Oyez\Oyez Legal Forms\User


Contains unique path to user-specific files (OPTIONS>GENERAL)


Contains default store path for saving forms (OPTIONS>GENERAL)


MSIEXEC /i "f:\oyez\oyezforms.msi" /QUIET LIBENABLED="1" LIBRARYPATH="G:\OyezForms_Library\" USERPTH="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\MyOyezDocuments" USERSTOREPTH="H:\CaseDocuments\"