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EFIS 52, May 2014 : Probate

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The Ministry of Justice has recently amended Claim Form N2 to require details of a fee account to be inserted at the top of the form and has also amended N2 to refer to the cost incurred by a legal representative.

Subscribers to this range are also requested to use the latest versions of PRO8A, PRO8B PRO16 which have been amended to cater for the changes which the Children and Families Act 2014 introduced on 22nd April.

Forms affected

PRO8A Nomination of Co-administrator - Minors New/Amended
PRO8B Nomination of Co-administrator by Person with Parental Responsibility. (Administration with the Will.) New/Amended
PRO16 Oath of Administrators - Person with Parental Responsibility and Nominee New/Amended
N2 Claim Form (Probate Claim) New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.