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EFIS 29, July 2007 : Conveyancing - Core Law Soc.

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The Law Society has replaced 29_PI(2002) (Standard Enquiries) and 29_PII(2002) (Optional Enquiries) with CON29R and CON29O to coincide with the introduction of Home Information Packs (or HIPs for short) on 1st August.

Practitioners who would like to know more detailed information about HIPs should consult the Home Information Pack (No.2) Regulations 2007.

CON29R contains box E which is only to be completed when the replies contained in CON29R will be included in a home information pack.

CON29O includes a new enquiry about common land, town and village greens. We believe that the current commons search form CR21 will continue to be processed by local authorities in England and Wales until 1st October, when CON29O will finally replace it.

29_PI(2002) and 29_PII(2002) should continue to be used for searches submitted before 1st August but not for enquiries after this date when CON29R and CON29O should be used instead.

We understand that the Law Society intends to publish Guidance Notes on the completion of CON29R and CON29O on their website at, which we would encourage practitioners to check before 1st August.

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Forms affected

29_PI(2002) Part I Standard Enquiries of Local Authority (2002 edition) Withdrawn
29_PII(2002) Part II Optional Enquiries of Local Authority (2002 edition) Withdrawn
29(2002)(N) Guidance Notes on Standard and Optional Enquiries of Local Authority (2002 Edition) Withdrawn
CON29R Enquiries of local authority (2007) New/Amended
CON29O Optional enquiries of local authority (2007) New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.