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EFIS 50, September 2005 : Immigration - Applications

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The Immigration (Leave to Remain) (Prescribed Forms and Procedures) (No.2) Regulations 2005 amend the forms which are used to apply for limited and indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom. They also prescribe a new form, FLR (FT_WISS) which is a form for Limited Leave to remain in the UK as a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme. These Rules revoke and replace the forms prescribed by the Immigration (Leave to Remain) Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2005 which were supplied to you on EFIS No. 32 in June.

The Immigration (Leave to Remain) Prescribed Forms and Procedures)(No. 2) Regulations 2005 came into force on 15th September.

In addition, the Immigration and Nationality Directorate at the Home Office has also amended the non-prescribed forms ELR, NTL and TOC.

Forms affected

FLR(M) Application for an extension of stay in the UK in one of the following categories: Spouse (husband or wife) of a person present and settled in the UK; Unmarried partner of a person present and settled in the UK New/Amended
NTL Application to have an indefinite leave stamp (No Time Limit) fixed on the applicant's new passport, travel document or other documentation issued to the applicant as a result of the renewal or replacement of a previous passport, etc. New/Amended
FLR(S) Application for an extension of stay in the UK in one of the following categories: Student, Student undertaking examination re-sites, Postgraduate student writing up thesis, Student Nurse, Prospective student, Sabbatical officer New/Amended
FLR(O) Application for an extension of stay in the UK in one of the following categories: Visitor, Crew Member, Postgraduate doctor or dentist, Au Pair, UK ancestry, Employment not requiring a work permit, Writer, composer or artist, etc. New/Amended
FLR(IED) Application for an extension of stay (limited leave to remain) in the United Kingdom as the holder of immigration employment document - see Section 4. New/Amended
SET(M) Application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK in one of the following categories, having completed a probationary 2 year period. New/Amended
SET(O) Application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK in one of the following categories: Work permit holder; Employment not requiring a work permit; Writer, composer or artist; UK Ancestry etc New/Amended
SET(F) Application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a family member (other than husband, wife or unmarried partner) of a person present and settled in the UK New/Amended
ELR Application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK on completion of 4 years exceptional leave to enter or remain granted before 1 April 2003 following the refusal of asylum. New/Amended
FLR(SEGS) Application for an extension of stay in the UK under the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme (SEGS) New/Amended
BUS Application for an extension of stay or indefinite leave to remain in the UK in one of the following categories: Business Person, Sole Representative, Retired Person of independent means, Investor, Innovator New/Amended
TOC Application to have a limited leave to enter or remain stamp (Transfer of Conditions) fixed on the applicant's new passport, travel document or other document etc New/Amended
FLR(FT_WISS) Application for an extension of stay in the UK under the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme (FT:WISS) New/Amended

Crown copyright forms are reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the Stationery Office. Law Society forms are reproduced with the permission of the Law Society. Legal Aid Forms are produced with the permission of the LSC.